In keeping with our trend for 2013, this is yet another 2+ hour episode packed with great avation content, including:
- 0:09:06 – Steve & AntCB chat with Chris Sperou at Avalon 2013
- 0:18:30 – Grant talks with Bevan Anderson from AvPlan
- 0:25:11 – Peter Edwards from Cirrus talks about their latest aircraft
- 0:31:53 – Sue Woods talks with Grant about the latest Jabiru news
- 0:37:09 – Maikha Ly reports on a recent Free Flight model aircraft competition
- 0:49:21 – Dave Homewood talks with Peter Daniell, the CEO of Air Wakatipu at Queenstown in New Zealand
- 1:19:27 – Damien Rose reports on Caribou Cargo
- 1:46:14 – Listener Mail:
- Ian Kershaw sent us an audio comment about Owen Zupp’s eBook “50 Tales” which leads into the news that Owen has released a new eBook called Solo Flight about his fund-raising flight around Australia in a Jabiru. We have a competition running where you can win one of five copies of the eBook but you’ll need to listen to the show to find out how to enter (it’s easy! :)
- Evan Schoo sent us an audio comment about his perspective on Grant’s balloon flight with Kathy Mexted
- Mick from Fankston (our good friend, source of many interesting emails & Shangri-La pal) has found that Virgin Australia’s 737-800’s don’t have a window at seat 9A … OUCH!
- Rashidi Merrifeld sent us a link to a video he’s created about wanting become an airline pilot when he’s older
- Paul O’Rourke told us about the Cobden Fly-in coming up on Feb 15th & 16th, 2014. You can arrive around 10 am and stay or pop in whenever and say hi. A BBQ lunch will be available. You can camp under your wing or check out accommodation on the Cobden Aeroclub Facebook page. Monitor their page for updates and ‘like’ it or call before departing for the fly-in. AVGAS will be available. Contact: Warren 0428-024-633 or Bill 0403-498-005 E:
- Melanie Salisbury from Travel Managers in NZ wrote to us about their Bomber Country tour of the UK happening in July 2014. It’s a 19 day escorted tour covering Duxford’s “Flying Legends,” Waddington & RIAT plus has options for Farnborough. If you can cover the price tag ($9,200 per person) then it looks like it’ll be a great tour
- Steve Tupper from Airspeed has released a trilogy of great episodes about his entry into being an airshow performer
- 2:09:30 – We talk about a few of our favourite moments from 2013 and the things we’re looking forward to in 2014
- 2:19:21 – We give some shoutouts to some of those who have helped us during 2013
Just for the fun of it, here’s a few photos of the team during 2013