The Red Bull Air Race came back to Perth this year and Steve was there, flexing his newly minted press credentials and discovering the amazing world of the Red Bull media centre. Sadly, Grant was working in Indonesia and so couldn’t be there to help hang out, rub shoulders with the stars and quaff a few cans of Red Bull.
Fortunately Steve was well & truly up to the task and managed to capture a few interviews while he was there. First up in this episode we have Steve’s summary of the race, including his interview with Hannes Arch, the press conference at the end of the race and a collection of content from the Red Bull Media Pool.
After the break we get to hear a great chat with Nigel Lamb recorded while he was in Rio getting ready for the third race. We learn about how he flies the race and just what benefit he is getting from those amazing winglets. Grant drops a clanger during the interview but fortunately Steve cut that bit out, putting it at the very end of the episode in the bloopers ‘cos hey, no one ever listens to them, right? Right? (“Please don’t!” says Grant) :)
The final pair of interviews are with Lenny Raulson, Matt Hall’s mechanic at the time of the Perth race. He finished up with Matt’s team just after the race and they’ve now transitioned to an Australian mechanic, Jack Moshovis. After Steve’s chat with Lenny, we have a chat with David Lyall, Matt’s team coordinator. He tells us what it’s like to work with Matt, why they changed from Lenny to Jack and much more.
We hope you enjoy the episode. Feel free to leave us feedback via email, comments on the site or on our forum on
For some reason it isn’t letting me download off itunes. has on of those ‘!’ marks.
G’Day Jack
Sorry to hear abou that. The feed appears to be working OK, so I suggest you right click on PCDU in your iTunes podcast list, then select “Update Podcast”. This shoudl rectify your troubles – If it doesn’t, shoot us through an email and we’ll try to work out what’s going on.
G’day guys. Steve, I think you’re seriously undertstating your efforts. I think the presentation of the RBAR podcast was nothing short of brilliant.
Gents, this, and your last Antarctica episode (in particular), represents a very organic shift into true media that has serious value well outside the closed community of listeners that have an interest in ‘just’ aviation news.
Your last couple of episodes are quite close in concept to what we have planned ourselves.
Well done.
Thanks for your kind comments Marty. We’ve worked very hard on these past two episodes, and it’s great to know that our audience is enjoying the results.
I hope that you’ll be able to come onto a future show to tell us about your upcoming new show.
Your best episode yet!!! I was at the race but without you guys I would only have seen/heard half of the action.
I’m a big fan of Nigel and it was great to hear another high profile guest on your show :-)
Keep up the great work gents!
Hi Ed,
Glad you liked the show – wait for yet another high profile Red Bull racer to appear in an episode we’re releasing soon :) :)
And yes, I’m still bummed I missed out on being in Perth and jealous of all of you who made it!
Where can we find some of those photos you took in Perth, Steve?
They’re living at
Not too many up there yet – I just keep forgetting to upload them, but I’ll pop some more up there shortly.
We’ve been so busy with the audio side of things, the images have had to take a bit of a back seat….sorry guys!
G’day fiend,
Just been mucking around on V’s new laptop and just been showing her PCDU website. Very impressed mate. I like the merchandise, good to see you managed to find a way to generate some income from this. Keep up the good work.
Geez…DDE…now there’s one from the past, eh?? :)
Glad you liked it mate. Great to hear from you and thanks for the comments!
Keep an eye on the site…big news coming very soon for the PCDU community!