As with our previous interview session with Matt, time blurs and we have a great time chatting and listening to his fascinating comments. We’re looking forward to seeing how he goes in the final race at Barcelona and hopefully will get a chance to chat with him again afterwards.
You can find Matt on his home page, Wikipedia, FaceBook, Flickr and Twitter. Be sure to join up to follow his progress in the races and show your support.
Steve, give up the cheap cracks on Kiwis and Seppos. It’s getting a bit tiresome. Your colleague Steve I believe, demonstates the level of professionalism needed to be successful with this medium. You should follow his lead.
Otherwise I enjoy the podcast with it’s local news focus, maybe except the lastest podcast which had no news but more and more and more of Matt Hall. Good on him but jeez, there’s a limit.
Regardless, thanks for putting the efforts it, Mike
We’ll take these comments on board Mike. We try to keep the show light in nature, and please understand, we approach this show as enthusiasts rather than experts. However, we never set out to upset anyone, so please accept my apologies if I’ve offended you in any way.
We do this as a hobby, and it’s been a very steep learning curve as we go along. The intention is not only to focus on the airlines, or even news each week for that matter, but rather try to pop in the occasional special interest episode.
Matt Hall is welcome on this show at any time. His experiences and technical knowledge are both fascinating and a resource to be tapped at any opportunity.
I’ll do my best to improve as time goes on, and I hope you continue to listen. Without feedback, we’ll never know how we’re going.